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The Proven Path to Law Practice Peace

Create a Practice (and Life!) You Love without Feeling Overwhelmed

In this Masterclass you'll get...

The Simple 3-Step Process to Help You Calm Overwhelm in Your Practice

The Questions You Need Yourself to Ask Yourself to Streamline Your Practice and Make Your Life Easier

Real-Life Case Studies to Inspire You to Take Action and Give You Ideas for Your Own Practice

The Mindset Successful Lawyers Adopt to Take Control of Their Practices

This Masterclass is for you if you...

  • Dread Mondays because there's so much work to do

  • Feel scattered or frazzled when you sit at your desk

  • Are behind on billing or don't have a system that keeps income coming in regularly

  • Use deadlines to pressure yourself to get things done

  • Are tired of thinking about work at home when you're trying to recharge

About Dina

Dina Cataldo is a Master Certified Coach who helps lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

After being diagnosed with breast cancer at 29, doing more with less stress became a non-negotiable. She had big aspirations, and didn't want stress preventing her from going after what she wanted.

She built her coaching practice while practicing as a full-time criminal prosecutor by changing her habits one at a time. Dina discovered she had more power to change herself than she knew and became an expert at managing her time and emotional health.

Now she’s helps lawyers around the world take authority over their time and their mindset, so they love their life and law practice.

Join this masterclass to create a vision for a fulfilling law practice that feeds your soul.

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© Dina Cataldo International, LLC 2023