Follow Through in '22

Your Step-by-Step Plan to Reconnect with What You Want, Strategize 2022, and (Finally) Follow Through

I'm in. Let's go!


WHEN: Saturday, December 18th 8am Pacific

HOW LONG: 90 minutes

Planning for the New Year can be exciting...aaaand a little intimidating.

There's so much to do.

You have so many ideas.

Or maybe you're drawing a blank, and don't know where to start!

I've got you covered, my friend.

In this Masterclass, you're getting a simple doable plan for 2022.

Sound too good to be true?

I help my clients all the time with setting AND achieving their goals like

  • starting a business on top of their law practice
  • adding six figures onto her estate planning practice while making more time me-time
  • building a new practice area
  • and more!

Not only that, I've used the same process I'm teaching in this Masterclass on myself to achieve my own goals starting a podcast, starting a business on top of my law practice, and make leaving the law a reality (official Jan. 4, 2022!).

You can do this, and I'll be there with you each and every step of the way.

In this Masterclass You'll...

  • Reconnect with what you truly want in a way that feels good and not from pressure or hustle.

We tend to set goals based on what we wanted in the past instead of creating from a place of possibility.

You'll learn how to reconnect with what you really want instead of focusing on what you think you "should" want.

  • Avoid the pitfalls of setting goals.

There are a few pitfalls most people make when setting goals, which is why so few people achieve them. They include:

  • not getting specific enough for your goal to feel doable
  • not writing it down
  • taking on too many goals at once

We're going to dial in exactly what you want, and we're going to get laser-focused on what it will take to make it happen.

  • Create a simple strategy to achieve your goal in 2022

Key word here is SIMPLE.

Every year lawyers miss their goals because they make hitting their targets complicated.

You definitely DO a lot (you wouldn't be here if you didn't), but you're 100% not taking the most impactful actions towards your goals if you're not hitting your target.

You'll learn how to constrain your 2022 strategy, so you're not only hitting your targets but also reducing your overwhelm.

  • Learn how to follow through on any goal without feeling anxiety or overwhelm

Follow through is key to achieving anything, so you'll learn how to follow through on the strategy you create.

There are lots of reasons I hear from lawyers that they don't follow through:

  • I don't have time
  • It's hard
  • I don't know how
  • I don't want to fail (more on that below)

I've thought every one of those thoughts, and so have my clients.

These are normal thoughts.

The question is, do you want to decide to listen to them, or do you want to decide to have what you want?

If you've decide you're going after what you want, I'll show you how to overcome these thoughts every time they pop up.

You'll also get a tool I teach my clients to follow through on their goals when they don't feel like it or it just plain feels hard.

  • Process failure like a pro instead of a student

One of the reasons we don't follow through is because of how we think we'll feel if we fail.

Failure is how professionals create success.

You'll learn how to process failures like a pro and turn them into successes.

This is completely different than what we're taught in school.

In school we're told we're not working hard enough if we're getting 'F's.

Then, when we get As, we're told it's because we worked hard.

Both of those old timey concepts need to be thrown out the window.

I'm going to show you a doable technique to process failures AND wins to get the most out of them.

This is so good.
Sign me up already!

Some of my client celebrations after they've hit their goals using this process.

What clients say about working with me...

calendar masterclass, time management for lawyers


WHEN: Saturday, December 18th 8am Pacific

HOW LONG: 90 minutes

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